Dionisio González

about Dionisio González
Gijón, (Asturias), 1965
Dionisio González graduated from the University of Fine Arts in Seville. He furthered his studies in Computer-Assisted Image at the Moor Print Workshop in Devon, England, in Art Printing at the College of Art at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, and also completed his studies in Film and Television at the Aula do Risco School of Advanced Arts at in Lisbon. González has received important international awards, such as the Pilar Juncosa Prize and Sotheby´s, the Pilar I Joan Miró Foundation Prize, and the European Month of Photography Arendt Award (Luxembourg), among others. His work is also present in important institutions such as the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, in Madrid, the Museum of Contemporary Photography, in Chicago, USA, and the National Center of Contemporary Art in Paris, as well as in outstanding public and private collections.
Other works of the exposition Selection by CULTURA INQUIETA'23
Pedro Peña Gil
Museum Hall Purple, 2022
Mixta, serigrafía con tintas UVI y resina epoxi pigmentada sobre madera lacada
180 x 180 x 4 cm
Roberto López Martín
Príncipe, 2016
Escultura en tela y fibra de vidrio de la serie Homo Videns, Los Niños Tele.
130 x 30 x 30 cm
Tenderness Land. Luz con espada sobre tapiz rojo, 2022
Impresión en aluminio. Vitra alto brillo. Edición de 50
78 x 78 cm
Kbloks evolution, 2020
Resina ecológica pigmentada fucsia. Peana de mármol blue violet.
6 x 24 x 6 cm
Roger Sanguino
Geometria est imago. (Retrato con geometría), 2019
Arcilla, resina, acero y alambre tensado
29 x 21 x 25 cm
Mario Soria
Bring on the dancing horses (Parte delantera), 2023
Óleo sobre tabla y juguetes de plástico
43 x 51 cm
David Delgado Ruiz
Life in Mars. Strawberry Fields of Jupiter, 2021
Fotografía Analógica y Digital, Impresión Certificada en Papel Hahnemühle Photo Rag® Ultra Smooth 305 gsm · 100% Cotton. Museum Standard Cotton Paper.
50 x 50 x 1 cm