Wu Wei-Ting

about Wu Wei-Ting
Yunlin, (Taiwán), 1996
Born in 1996, Yunlin, Taiwan. Currently lives and works in Taipei and Taoyuan. Recent creations focus on the catalytic process of contouring between object interpretations, the formation of the field is a kind of occurrence, suspicion of the object, from which to explore the reason is to deal with behind a transparent pattern. At the core, concern is the object tools used by humans to maintain the constant characterization of a behavior (looks, cleanliness, manners, etc.), switching between the use of extension and use in an external space environment. Form structural chains on the interface of all persistent consciousness, human beings and the environment. Environment, plants, animals, borders and human senses can be the basis of communion, but the connection between memory and traces is an additional medium. In memory, "behavior" must have its purpose to produce the pattern of space and time, from the form of communication than hand-drawn to the use of text language, how to explain and translate each other's defense. The role of behavior is called "translator".
Other works of the exposition Selection by CULTURA INQUIETA'23
Mario Soria
Bring on the dancing horses (Parte delantera), 2023
Óleo sobre tabla y juguetes de plástico
43 x 51 cm
David Delgado Ruiz
Life in Mars. Strawberry Fields of Jupiter, 2021
Fotografía Analógica y Digital, Impresión Certificada en Papel Hahnemühle Photo Rag® Ultra Smooth 305 gsm · 100% Cotton. Museum Standard Cotton Paper.
50 x 50 x 1 cm
Kbloks evolution, 2020
Resina ecológica pigmentada fucsia. Peana de mármol blue violet.
6 x 24 x 6 cm
Roberto López Martín
Príncipe, 2016
Escultura en tela y fibra de vidrio de la serie Homo Videns, Los Niños Tele.
130 x 30 x 30 cm
Tenderness Land. Luz con espada sobre tapiz rojo, 2022
Impresión en aluminio. Vitra alto brillo. Edición de 50
78 x 78 cm
Pedro Peña Gil
Museum Hall Purple, 2022
Mixta, serigrafía con tintas UVI y resina epoxi pigmentada sobre madera lacada
180 x 180 x 4 cm
Roger Sanguino
Geometria est imago. (Retrato con geometría), 2019
Arcilla, resina, acero y alambre tensado
29 x 21 x 25 cm