Noni Lazaga, works on sale

Noni Lazaga
Madrid, 1966
Noni Lazaga is a spanish multidisciplinary artist. Interested in the East-West duality, she has developed her artistic and research career residing in different countries such as Egypt, Japan, and the Dominican Republic. PhD in Fine Arts from the Complutense University of Madrid in 2004, and a degree in painting and engraving from the Faculty of Fine Arts of the UCM in Madrid in 1989. Her work is present in museums and collections: Col. Faculty of Fine Arts of Madrid. Juan March Foundation. Collection Postal and Telegraphic Museum of Madrid. Cervantes Institute of Cairo. Egypt. Madrid Postal Box Collection. Paper Museum Collection, Mino, Japan. Collection. Deutsche Bank Madrid. Collection Museo Palacio del Vellosillo Ayllón Segovia. Faculty of Fine Arts of Madrid.