Patrik Grijalvo
Patrik Grijalvo
Gravitacion visual: Niemeyer, 2021
Fotografia sobre papel fuji archival, cortada y montada en varias capas
36 x 36 cm
about Patrik Grijalvo
Bilbao, 1984
Patrick Grijalvo has found a way to shore up the autonomy of his images, weakening his link with the real referent - without losing it - and claiming his status as an object. In his hands become sculptures: pieces of a delicate and subtle volume, achieved by a serene composition of planes. The result, far from being capricious or redundant, conveys a harmonious sense of need. The artist does not impose any three-dimensional shape on the images, at his whim, but he builds it from the attributes of the photographic surface. One of the peculiarities of photography is the approach, which forces us to discriminate zones of variable sharpness and, therefore, to mark the different planes of depth.
Other works of the exposition Art&Collect
Francesca Poza
El silencio....otros, 2021
Grabado en relieve, gofrado, linóleum, sobre papel hahnemühle y collage con papel de la India
85 x 65 cm
David Delgado Ruiz
Planet Moon #01, 2021
Fotografía Analógica y Digital, Impresión Certificada en Papel Hahnemühle Photo Rag® Ultra Smooth 305 gsm · 100% Cotton. Museum Standard Cotton Paper.
50 x 50 cm
Julio Bauzá
Geometría cromática. Cantábrico, 2019
Madera y acrílico. 81 cubos de madera de 1,5 x 1,5 cm
44 x 43.5 cm
Aurora Alcaide
Paisaje enantrópico XI, 2017
Acrílico, lápices de colores e impresión digital sobre lienzo encolado en madera
82.7 x 106 cm