Juan Carlos Valdeviezo

about Juan Carlos Valdeviezo
Machala, 1981
JuanKa V. was born in Machala, a city located in the south of Ecuador in 1981. He grew up in a rural area, with a tropical climate full of biodiversity. Forming between an ancestral and modern society full of indigenous traditions and Western conventions.
Since childhood he was fascinated by prehispanic art, which is why his work is marked by certain lines and concepts that qualify his work adapting it to modern reality. His professional training began in Barcelona in 2010, at the School of Applied Arts La Llotja, obtaining the title of Higher Degree in sculpture. Since then he has exhibited his works in Barcelona City Council, civic centers and galleries.
Other works of the exposition Art&Collect
Patrik Grijalvo
Gravitacion visual: Niemeyer, 2021
Fotografia sobre papel fuji archival, cortada y montada en varias capas
36 x 36 cm
David Delgado Ruiz
Planet Moon #01, 2021
Fotografía Analógica y Digital, Impresión Certificada en Papel Hahnemühle Photo Rag® Ultra Smooth 305 gsm · 100% Cotton. Museum Standard Cotton Paper.
50 x 50 cm
Julio Bauzá
Geometría cromática. Cantábrico, 2019
Madera y acrílico. 81 cubos de madera de 1,5 x 1,5 cm
44 x 43.5 cm
Aurora Alcaide
Paisaje enantrópico XI, 2017
Acrílico, lápices de colores e impresión digital sobre lienzo encolado en madera
82.7 x 106 cm
Francesca Poza
El silencio....otros, 2021
Grabado en relieve, gofrado, linóleum, sobre papel hahnemühle y collage con papel de la India
85 x 65 cm