Ina Mindiuz, works on sale
Ina Mindiuz
Murcia, 1965
Born in Kaunas, Lithuania and living in Murcia, she is an independent visual artist, curator and cultural manager, under the artistic name Ina Mindiuz. Since 2015 she's director of the Studija Mindiuzarte gallery (Kaunas, Lithuania). She has Master's Degree in Direction and Art Production (2016) and Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Murcia (2012); also Master in Textile Art from the Lithuanian Academy of Fine Arts (1993). Since 2017 she has the Statute of the Artist of Lithuania. She investigates the memory links between the distant past and the present in visual practice, as well as interpreting relationships between abstract apinting and photography, which at one point becomes the visual tapestry. In photographic prints, she achieves a way of combining color and light, meditating on the passage of time and rhythm, bringing us closer to textile art. They are captures of the ephemeral, of a moment in transit, with touches of the signs of the ethnic.