Rebeca Khamlichi

about Rebeca Khamlichi
Madrid, 1987
Rebeca Khamlichi is defined as a way of painting rather than as a painter. She grew up among the brushes and oil paintings of her two artist parents. She explains that her universe is nourished by graphic design, 17th-century religious iconography and cartoons, but also by Michael Haneke, chewing gum pink, Goya's Black Paintings, Superflat and copla. She paints in Madrid, on a terrace overlooking the roofs of the Lavapiés neighbourhood. In 2016, in parallel to her artistic career, she created, together with Mari Quiñonero "Las muy perras", a platform to raise funds through the sale of art that they allocate to animal shelters, and in April 2018 she published her first book, "Las hijas de Antonio López".
Other works of the exposition CHARITY PROJECT
Daniel Parra
Los meloneros de Colmenar, 2019
Carboncillo, barra prensada y lápiz Contè sobre tabla preparada (Obra sobre madera enmarcada con listón escalonado negro)
50 x 70 cm
Santiago Picatoste
Spiral, 2019
Resina y acrílico sobre plexy (Obra enmarcada en listón de aluminio negro)
70 x 70 cm
Vivian Guggenheim
The power of flowers, 2019
Acrílico y acuarela. Papel Montval de 300gr con passepartout
70 x 84.5 cm