Pilar Cruz

about Pilar Cruz
Madrid, 1963
Pilar Cruz is an Architect from the ETSAM with a Master's Degree in Rehabilitation and Conservation of Architectural and Urban Heritage, also from the School of Architecture of Madrid. SHe has participated in several exhibitions with the Colectivo Azul.
Other works of the exposition CHARITY PROJECT
Daniel Parra
Los meloneros de Colmenar, 2019
Carboncillo, barra prensada y lápiz Contè sobre tabla preparada (Obra sobre madera enmarcada con listón escalonado negro)
50 x 70 cm
Santiago Picatoste
Spiral, 2019
Resina y acrílico sobre plexy (Obra enmarcada en listón de aluminio negro)
70 x 70 cm
Vivian Guggenheim
The power of flowers, 2019
Acrílico y acuarela. Papel Montval de 300gr con passepartout
70 x 84.5 cm