Vivian Guggenheim, works on sale

Vivian Guggenheim
Buenos Aires, 1961
Vivian Guggenheim is a German-Argentine visual artist, trained in Fine Arts of the National School Manuel Belgrano and in the Workshops of Adriana Dellepiane and Maestro Miguel Dávila. She has specialized in Artistic training, teaching at the Parsons School of Design in New York, Altos de Chavón campus, Dominican Republic. Since 1983, she has been conducting workshops and workshops on specific techniques: drawing, oil, acrylic, watercolours, suminagashi, collage, transfer and contemporary techniques. Her works have been exhibited in galleries, museums and private collections in Buenos Aires, New York, Chicago, Toronto, Madrid, Malaga, Paris, Rio de Janeiro, San Pablo, Punta del Este, Montevideo, La Paz, Asunción, Santo Domingo, Chile, Paraguay.