Alexander Grahovsky, works on sale

Alexander Grahovsky
Alicante, 1980
Alexander Grahovsky (Alicante, 1980) is a Spanish figurative painter who has developed his training with artists such as Luisa Pallarés, Eloy Morales, Alejandro Carpintero and Miguel Gómez Losada among others. Alexander Grahovsky treats his paintings like scenes from a play in which classical and contemporary elements coexist to create works of a surrealist character.
Since his first exhibition in 'Escalera de Incendios' (2012, Barcelona), his work has been exhibited in Madrid, Alicante, Barcelona and Melbourne. He has also been finalist of the XVII Premio Artes Plásticas Caja Rural Jaén and 1st prize XXVI PiNTCA.
Artist's works
Alexander Grahovsky
La voluntad inquebrantable del espíritu, 2024
Óleo, espray y lápices de colores sobre lienzo
46 x 61 cm