Art Madrid'24 – Luzia Simons – Stockage 83- 3/5 (2010)

Luzia Simons | Stockage 83- 3/5

Luzia Simons

Stockage 83- 3/5, 2010


180 x 126 cm


Berlín, Alemania

Programa General B11

about Luzia Simons

Ceará (Brasil), 1953

Luzia Simons studied History in Vincennes and Fine Arts at the Sorbonne University. Simons is dedicated to the construction of images through photography and video as well as performing performance and installations. The artist has participated in numerous collective exhibitions. More than a decade ago he began using the scanner as a working tool and with this, she developed his own mode of production. Through the scanner, she gets the representation of the object with a lot of detail and sharpness.

Featured works

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Albert Bonet

Takeishi, 2024

Oil on canvas

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Alejandro Monge | Transhumanism 02

Alejandro Monge

Transhumanism 02, 2023

Cemento, fibra de vidrio y pigmentos

175 x 80 x 65 cm

Fèlix Coll | 8

Fèlix Coll

8, 2023

Óleo y acrílico sobre tela

60 x 60 cm

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Paco Dalmau

90 III, 2023

Técnica mixta sobre lienzo sobre tablero

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Isabela Puga

M_CB_15, 2024

Caseína, cola de conejo, oro 22k sobre madera

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