Art Madrid'25 – Joaquín Viña – La soberbia (2024)

about Joaquín Viña
Candás, Asturias, 1975
From an early age, Viña began to excel in artistic drawing. Drawing became his "refuge." In addition to playing on the streets with his friends, he read comics (which the artist devoured), immersing himself in a world full of superheroes and adventures. These stories fueled his imagination, creating a realm of creativity in his mind and planting the seed for what would come years later.
For years, he studied in his hometown of Candás, a fishing village in northern Spain. Joaquín Viña, one could say, was born drawing. His ideas, characters, and their stories and adventures were always reflected on paper until the day he conceived the idea of enlarging those sketches and hanging them as decorations in his home. Viña was 26 years old at the time. A few paintings and the idea of exhibiting them led him to request a space to showcase his work in his first pictorial exhibition.
He exhibited for the first time at La Casa de la Cultura in Candás in 2002. This show was an eclectic mix of various styles, lacking strict order or rigor—purely artistic, yet captivating from the very first moment. Perhaps it was the blend of those pieces and the artist's indescribable personality that created the perfect combination. This exhibition, in addition to being his first, was also the moment he realized that the five canvases he sold were in the Pop Art style. From that moment on, he decided to pursue that style further.