Art Madrid'24 – Andy Llanes Bultó – Serie Cuerpo Celeste (II) (2018)

Andy Llanes Bultó | Serie Cuerpo Celeste (II)

Andy Llanes Bultó

Serie Cuerpo Celeste (II), 2018

Oil on canvas

150 x 150 cm

Collage Habana

La Habana, Cuba

Programa General B10

about Andy Llanes Bultó

La Habana (Cuba),

The painting technique of the Cuban artist Andy Llanes beyond the borders of the irrational, its pieces we find the photographic perfection as a result of a heady job. A mixture of impressionism and realism that produces an almost photorealistic work. Llanes has recently participated in the Beirut Art Fair invited by the South Border Gallery.

Featured works

Albert Bonet | Takeishi

Albert Bonet

Takeishi, 2024

Oil on canvas

65 x 50.5 cm

Alejandro Monge | Transhumanism 02

Alejandro Monge

Transhumanism 02, 2023

Cemento, fibra de vidrio y pigmentos

175 x 80 x 65 cm

Fèlix Coll | 8

Fèlix Coll

8, 2023

Óleo y acrílico sobre tela

60 x 60 cm

Paco Dalmau | 90 III

Paco Dalmau

90 III, 2023

Técnica mixta sobre lienzo sobre tablero

90 x 90 cm

Isabela Puga | M_CB_15

Isabela Puga

M_CB_15, 2024

Caseína, cola de conejo, oro 22k sobre madera

150 x 110 x 4 cm
