Art Madrid'25 – Kur Art Gallery

Kur Art Gallery

San Sebastián, España

Programa General A19

The KUR gallery was inaugurated in 2002 with a large exhibition by Manolo Valdés, followed later by a series of exhibitions that combine exhibitions of acclaimed artists with other young authors in which we work in their promotion, contributing to the dissemination and the culture of our land, specializing in sculpture and promoting the new generations of Basque sculptors who influenced by artists from their environment such as Oteiza, Chillida, Basterretxea, etc. The gallery also publishes catalogues and biographies of the artists and also attends different fairs and international competitions.

participating artists in Art Madrid'25

Aitor Etxeberría

Mendaro, (Guipúzcoa)

Fernando Mikelarena

Legasca, (Navarra)

Iñigo Arregi

Arrasate, (Gupúzcoa)