Art Madrid'25 – Tatiana Blanqué

Tatiana Blanqué
Sant Cugat del Vallès, (Barcelona), 1971
TATIANA BLANQUÉ Sant Cugat del Vallès (Barcelona), 1971 Visual artist with a degree in Fine Arts from the Sant Jordi Academy (UB) in Barcelona. With a career of almost two decades devoted entirely to her vocation, she has achieved national and international renown, exhibiting in cities such as Rome, New York, Quebec, Amsterdam, Paris, Lille and Andorra la Vella, as well as Barcelona, Girona, Lleida, Pamplona, Bilbao and Madrid. Coming from a family linked to the world of fashion, photography and design for several generations, he became involved in painting at a very young age. This passion for creativity has marked his entire artistic career, just as the search for a raison d'être has been reflected in each of his collections since his first exhibitions at the end of the 90s.
This artist exhibits in the following galleries
Artist's works
Tatiana Blanqué
Interferències-pasión-I, 2024
Óleo y rotulador permanente sobre tiras de telas de originales
103.5 x 53 cm
Tatiana Blanqué
Interferencias I, 2024
Rotulador permanente sobre tela recortada previamente y malla
101 x 67 cm
Tatiana Blanqué
Luna cortada (Díptico), 2024
Óleo y rotulador permanente sobre tela y metacrilato
70 x 100 cm
Tatiana Blanqué
Interfeencies-blanc-i-negre-II_, 2024
Rotulador permanent sobre tela recortada previamente y mall
101 x 101 cm