Art Madrid'25 – Galería Espiral

Galería Espiral
Noja, España
Programa General A17
The gallery ESPIRAL was created and inaugurated in the western area of Cantabria in December 2006 and has been re-founded in 2013 in its new headquarters in Noja. Dedicated to the national and international contemporary art of the first and second markets, with innovative artistic proposals and languages, it covers all contemporary art trends, with the presence of artists from Cantabria and from anywhere else in Spain of diverse nationalities. The gallery Espiral is especially interested in the foreign market promoting and defending its artists at international fairs in Brussels, Strasbourg, Lille, Santander and Madrid, among other countries.
Directed by Manuel Sáenz-Messía and Ana Laguna Vela, it was born establishing a special interrelationship with SIANOJA, (International Symposium of Artists), a project of which they are the authors and managers, focused on promoting the works of participating artists.
participating artists in Art Madrid'25
another artists in this gallery
Alfonso Galván
Carmen Anzano
Carmen Van den Eynde
Eduardo Alvarado
Iñaqui Ruíz de Eguino
José Portilla
Manolo Oyonarte
María Bejarano
Teresa Esteban
works in Art Madrid'25
Tatiana Blanqué
Interferencias I, 2024
Rotulador permanente sobre tela recortada previamente y malla
101 x 67 cm
Tatiana Blanqué
Interfeencies-blanc-i-negre-II_, 2024
Rotulador permanent sobre tela recortada previamente y mall
101 x 101 cm