Art Madrid'25 – Francesca Poza

Francesca Poza

Mataró, 1965

Trained in the workshops of artists Jordi Ayné, Jaume Arenas, and Guerau Calabria, she specializes in Printmaking and Pastel. She pursued Graphic Design studies at Massana in Barcelona. In 2012/2013, she took a blacksmithing course at the Rectoría de Sant Pere de Vilamajor and a silicone and resin mold course at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Barcelona. In 2010/2011, she participated in monographic workshops on experimental printmaking at the contemporary art center Rectoría de Sant Pere de Vilamajor. For four years, she was a printmaking teacher at the workshop of engraver Roser Sales, currently running her own workshop, Deep edicions. She has conducted courses and workshops at Escola Deià and the Catalan Association "LA LLAR" for people affected by E.M. She is one of the founders of the artist group GAP and, since 2011, a member of the graphic art collective Impresions de Barcelona, as well as a member of the Maresmart artist group in Mataró. She is the founder of Deep Edicions.

This artist exhibits in the following galleries

Alba Cabrera Gallery

Programa General

Artist's works

Francesca Poza | Edelweis

Francesca Poza

Edelweis, 2024

Papel Hahnemuhle

50 x 50 cm

Francesca Poza | Silencio

Francesca Poza

Silencio, 2024

Tarlatana teñida

50 x 50 cm

Francesca Poza | Promesa. Serie Usar y no tirar

Francesca Poza

Promesa. Serie Usar y no tirar, 2024

Tejido con papel de libro

100 x 40 cm

Francesca Poza | Sin Titulo

Francesca Poza

Sin Titulo, 2024

Papel Hahnemuhle de 300 gr, tarlatana, grabado

50 x 50 cm

Francesca Poza | Emociones

Francesca Poza

Emociones, 2024

Tejido con papel de libro

60 x 60 cm

Francesca Poza | Poeta en Nueva York

Francesca Poza

Poeta en Nueva York, 2024

Tejido con papel de libro y tarlatana

100 x 80 cm