Marc Sparfel

about Marc Sparfel
Morlaix, (Francia), 1972
The first artistic steps of Marc Sparfel are given as an assistant in a puppet theatre in Orléans. He studied Visual Communication mainly focusing on photography, drawing, engraving and art history. Since 1999 he lives and works in Barcelona. A large amount of abandoned wood in the streets is very curious and sensitized to the recovery of the abandoned. He began to gradually incorporate this material into his sculptures. At first, he used furniture that became a long series of masks, animals and mythological beings. Currently, he uses simple wood scraps in geometric constructions. His work is exhibited in Spain, France, Germany and the United States.
about the artist's works
His work, in constant evolution, focuses on geometric constructions that work with reclaimed wood, nails, white glue, staples and paint; Everything in the light, without hiding anything, everything helps to achieve a final form of great plastic and volumetric beauty. These three-dimensional compositions are gradually taking shape, suggesting a certain colour or on the contrary, the colour of the pieces themselves already transmit a plastic interest, all this ends up becoming abstract sculptures that have great dynamism, transporting us to a strange imagination, but that could be known. We could intuit an architectural model, a cabin, a map or even a landscape. It is a work improvising, quickly and intuitively, without figurative references of any kind, which Mark carried by inspiration, combines and composes until reaching an unknown port.
Other works of the exposition Art&Collect
Cristina Gamón
Umbrales sección III, 2022
Técnica mixta sobremetacrilato de corte macizo y de color
20 x 20 x 2 cm
David Delgado Ruiz
[ #Life_in_Mars ] Star Travel Blogger, 2021
Fotografía Analógica-Digital. Papel Hahnemühle Photo Rag® Ultra
50 x 50 cm