Juanjo Martínez Cánovas

about Juanjo Martínez Cánovas
Murcia, 1980
Doctorate in Fine Arts from the University of Murcia in 2021, We found in Martínez Cánovas artworks symbolic and surreal imagery, a direct link with ancient philosophers such as Aristotle. Such philosophers maintained that death is the most terrible of all things, and that fearing some concepts might even be fair and noble. His projects revolve around the previous idea; transmitting and generating discomfort to a great part of society. For this purpose, and depending on the collection, he uses images that, whenever possible, he extracts from his surroundings. He has 25 individual exhibitions and more than 30 collective ones. Member of Inéditd Gallery since 2020, he participates with this gallery in the 10th edition of FIG Bilbao (2021) and in Art Madrid 23.
Other works of the exposition Art&Collect
David Delgado Ruiz
[ #Life_in_Mars ] Star Travel Blogger, 2021
Fotografía Analógica-Digital. Papel Hahnemühle Photo Rag® Ultra
50 x 50 cm
Cristina Gamón
Umbrales sección III, 2022
Técnica mixta sobremetacrilato de corte macizo y de color
20 x 20 x 2 cm