Joaquín Lalanne

about Joaquín Lalanne
Buenos Aires (Argentina), 1989
The painter Joaquín Lalanne is a young artist whose surrealist-leaning aesthetic accommodates references to de Chirico and baroque, pop and street art while vindicating art’s role as a space for freedom. In 2008 he travelled to Cadaqués as resident artist for one month at maestro Iturria’s studio. In 2009 he was admitted to a 9-month course organised by Fundación Gala Jóvenes Creadores in Córdoba, Spain.
After a number of group showings in Uruguay and Spain, he exhibited at Galería Iturria in Cadaqués with Ignacio Iturria and Miguel Herrera. The ensuing public acclaim and favourable reviews have led to yearly solo exhibitions at the gallery since 2011.
Other works of the exposition POETICS OF THE GAZE
Xurxo Gómez-Chao
Magnolia sobre fondo rojo, 2018
Photography. Mineral pigments on Ilford Prestige paper 270 g
100 x 100 cm
Xurxo Gómez-Chao
Magnolia y calavera (Tempus fugit), 2018
Photography. Mineral pigments on Ilford Prestige paper 270 g
100 x 100 cm