Aurora Vigil-Escalera

Aurora Vigil-Escalera

Gijón, España

Since openeding its doors in 2015, Aurora Vigil-Escalera Art Gallery has worked with a firm purpose: to be a space for the exhibition, dissemination and promotion of contemporary plastic art in its most diverse manifestations and sensibilities. Making its own the legacy and the professional experience accumulated in the 30 years of intense activity at Van Dyck Art Space, the gallery has consolidated with enthusiasm and rigor a project dedicated to innovation and constant modernization in which there is room for the great masters of contemporary Spanish art (Luis Gordillo, Juan Genovés, Luis Feito, Chema Madoz or Isabel Muñoz), artists in full creative maturity of great national and international projection (Ismael Lagares, Dionisio González, Rosa Brun, Mario Soria...) and creators who are beginning to stand out in any discipline, language and trend (Francisco Mayor Maestre, Alejandra Glez, Iván Quesada, Mico Rabuñal...). Such diverse creators are united by the gallery's motto: "Quality without exclusions". The gallery has extended its work beyond its headquarters in Gijón through a private showroom in the center of Madrid and its participation in the main national and international fairs, as well as its presence in social networks, specialized web platforms such as Artsy, Arteinformado, Red Collectors or its own online shop and explored the possibilities of innovative tools such as 3D virtual tours, augmented reality, etc.

artists of this gallery

works for sale

Francisco Mayor Maestre | Marihuana del 2016

Francisco Mayor Maestre

Marihuana del 2016, 2024

Óleo, spray, ceras y collage sobre tabla

150 x 90 cm

Jorge Hernández | Alpino

Jorge Hernández

Alpino, 2024

Resina, pigmento y acrílico sobre tabla

25 x 25 cm

Mico Rabuñal | Tótem Nubes

Mico Rabuñal

Tótem Nubes, 2025

Talla directa sobre granito

42 x 35 x 35 cm

Mario Soria | Love Me Retender

Mario Soria

Love Me Retender, 2024

Óleo sobre impresión 3D

40 x 24 x 25 cm