Art Madrid'25 – O Art Project

O Art Project

Lima, Perú

Programa General A21

This group was born in 2018 from the shared vision and collaborative efforts of five Peruvian women artists, crossing bridges together. Our collective serves as a platform to explore meanings and develop work strategies. One of the overarching themes of the artists' works is the exploration of intimacy, desires, and social roles in women's lives, as well as our roots, focusing on fragments, remnants, and an awareness of territory, the domestic space, and the fight against patriarchal structures.

Many of the works critically examine the morphology of the body, connected yet disconnected from the environment. These cardinal points come together to form the collective core of our platform. O-ART PROJECT was also born from the need to strengthen our artistic projects and collectively transcend borders. Collective work develops ideas and fosters enrichment, granting us visibility in other geographic locations and generating broader impact.

participating artists in Art Madrid'25