Art Madrid'25 – Santiago Picatoste

Santiago Picatoste

Palma de Mallorca, 1971

Santiago Picatoste's work has always had spontaneity and alchemy in mind in the creative process arising from post-pictorial abstraction in connection with figuration. Picatoste has public sculptures in various cities of Spain. He has participated in ARCO since 2002 and in international fairs such as Art Verona, Art Bologna, SP Arte (São Paulo, Brazil), Art Karlsruhe Art Fair (Germany). In 2013, he won the IBERART international painting prize, ABC Madrid Museum & The Griffin Gallery, London. And the international sculpture prize The Gabarron Foundation. Sculpture, E.E.U.U. He has been awarded a scholarship by the Pilar Foundation, Joan Miró and La Casa de Velázquez.

This artist exhibits in the following galleries

3 Punts Galería

Programa General

Artist's works

Santiago Picatoste | Yellow Canvas Fluo I

Santiago Picatoste

Yellow Canvas Fluo I, 2022

Mixed media on canvas

167 x 167 cm

Santiago Picatoste | Between

Santiago Picatoste

Between, 2023

Mixed media on canvas

190 x 160 cm

Santiago Picatoste | Atlas Planisphere II

Santiago Picatoste

Atlas Planisphere II, 2023

Mixed media on canvas

200 x 180 cm