Art Madrid'25 – David Morago

David Morago

Madrid, 1975

With a Fine Arts Degree obtained at the Complutense University, in Madrid, Morago holds a large list of awards including a First Prize at the X Edition of the Certamen Nacional Pintura Parque del Buen Retiro, and First Prize awarded by the Certamen Nacional Pintura Boadilla del Monte. David Morago’s work -as could be found at any Natural History department office- includes nature and wildlife. In this manner, the viewer finds himself before the artist’s personal collection, as if he or she had been granted access to his cabinet of curiosities or chamber of wonders -which emerged during the Italian Renaissance, and gathered a concoction of dashing artworks and objects of the natural world (minerals, botanical and zoological specimens).

His iconographies are complemented by his archival and encyclopedic eagerness, especially evident in his “Books” series, which allude to the relevance of museum documentation. David Morago has participated in solo and group exhibitions both nationally (Madrid, Santander, Barcelona, Vigo) and internationally (France, Portugal, Canada). In addition to having actively participated in numerous art fairs: International Contemporary Art Fair of Singapore, International Contemporary Art Fair of Malaysia and Artexpo in Barcelona, among others.