Art Madrid'24 – Manolo Valdés – Reina Mariana (1993)

Manolo Valdés | Reina Mariana

Manolo Valdés

Reina Mariana, 1993

Sculpture in wood

97 x 68 x 51 cm

Galería Benlliure

Valencia, España

about Manolo Valdés

Valencia, 1942

Manolo Valdés is a prominent Spanish painter residing in New York. He was the introducer in Spain of a form of artistic expression that combines political and social commitment with humour and irony. In 1957 he enrolled in the Valencia School of Fine Arts in San Carlos where he spent two years, abandoned his studies to devote himself to painting. In 1964 he founded the artistic group Equipo Crónica together with Juan Antonio Toledo and Rafael Solbes.

He continued working alone in Valencia for a few years until 1989 he travelled to New York where he set up his studio and continued experimenting with new forms of expression. He also maintained a studio in Madrid for the realization of large sculptures, alternating creation in both cities.

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Albert Bonet

Takeishi, 2024

Oil on canvas

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Alejandro Monge | Transhumanism 02

Alejandro Monge

Transhumanism 02, 2023

Cemento, fibra de vidrio y pigmentos

175 x 80 x 65 cm

Fèlix Coll | 8

Fèlix Coll

8, 2023

Óleo y acrílico sobre tela

60 x 60 cm

Paco Dalmau | 90 III

Paco Dalmau

90 III, 2023

Técnica mixta sobre lienzo sobre tablero

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Isabela Puga

M_CB_15, 2024

Caseína, cola de conejo, oro 22k sobre madera

150 x 110 x 4 cm
