Roldán Lauzán Eiras

Roldán Lauzán Eiras | Where the cold wind blows

Roldán Lauzán Eiras

Where the cold wind blows, 2018

Tinta plateada y óleo sobre tela

105 x 130 cm


about Roldán Lauzán Eiras

La Habana, (Cuba), 1987

Roldán Lauzán graduated from the Superior Academy of Art ""Eduardo Abela"" has exhibited in the gallery Pabellón Cuba of Havana and has been part of TRACTOR together with Leonardo Salgado, Daniel Rodríguez and Leúdan Macías, in galleries, Galiano, Genesis and the Gallery of the Ambos Mundos Hotel, all of them in Havana.

He has participated in group exhibitions such as “Sabor Metálico” at the Villa Manuela Gallery in La Havana. “Intersecciones” at Izabelle Lesmeister Gallery. Regensburg, Germany and Cuban Contemporary Art. Artis 7 y 18. Gallery Post-it. Havana Cuba. He has participated in international fairs such as ""ART KARLSRUHE"", Contemporary Art Fair. ""ART BODENSEE"", Contemporary Art Fair Liebe FreundInnen der Kunst. Dornbirn, Austria. He has also collaborated with more than 35 publications for Cuban and foreign publishers.

Roldán Lauzán Eiras 's works

Roldán Lauzán Eiras | The True North (serie vientos)

Roldán Lauzán Eiras

The True North (serie vientos), 2020

Hojas de plata y óleo sobre tela

170 x 145 cm


Roldán Lauzán Eiras | Melancolia

Roldán Lauzán Eiras

Melancolia, 2019

Óleo sobre tela

135 x 105 cm

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