Kepa Garraza

about Kepa Garraza
Berango (Vizcaya), 1979
Kepa Garraza begins his exhibition career in 2004 winning different prizes and calls that will allow him to produce and show his works in different national and international circuits. Since then he has exhibited individually in the Sala Rekalde and galleries in Madrid, Bilbao, Düsseldorf or Beijing. In addition to private Spanish and international collections, his work is present in the collections of the Artium, the Community of Madrid or the Art Collection. Contemporary Patio Herreriano Museum.
The work of Kepa Garraza reflects on the nature of the images that we consume daily. Through fictional scenarios where a parallel reality is recreated, invites the viewer to question issues related to identity and information manipulation. His work questions the official discourses and puts into question the processes of institutional legitimization. His ironic and acid look offers alternatives to the reality we know and proposes a healthy exercise: always doubt the official version.
Other works of the exposition ICONOSFERA
Beatriz Díaz Ceballos
Todos los rostros del pasado, 2021
Micro-fusión de aleación de cobre con soldadura de plata y pátina de fuego
22.5 x 18 x 15 cm