Victoria Diehl, works on sale

Victoria Diehl
A Coruña, 1978
In Victoria Diehl's work, you can recognize a great influence of classicism and romanticism; her images are inspired by legends and myths of antiquity, with the body as the central axis of his work, and female nude one of his favourite subjects. Her photographs claim the border regions, intermediate species and beings in the process of transformation and change, and are located in the middle distance between contemporary and classical, reality and fiction, the living and the dead. And just the key to her work is that you never resolve the conflict between these dichotomies. We would like to know more, to find a crack that would allow us to escape from a space that is asphyxiating and seductive at the same time. The artist comes to question the limits of nature in some works that reflect on current issues such as beauty, physical canons and the passage of time.