Rafael Barrios, works on sale

Rafael Barrios
Lousiana, (EE.UU.), 1947
Of Venezuelan parents, Rafael Barrios studied Fine Arts in Canada, the United States and Venezuela. His artistic career dates from a very early age. He studied drawing and painting at the Museo de Bellas Artes, Caracas, Venezuela. After completing his basic studies in Venezuela and Canada, he was awarded a scholarship by J. Walter Thompson International to study at the Ontario College of Art in Toronto, Canada, graduating with honors in "Pure Art" and "Communication and Design". He obtains a scholarship for Post-graduate studies in "Pure Art" and "Communication and Design". Degree in "Pure Art", "Existential Philosophy" and "Existential Philosophy". Existential and Phenomenological Philosophy Phenomenological Philosophy" at New York University, Numerous works of his can be found in public spaces, such as the murals at the Fundación such as the Murals at the Polar Foundation, Caracas, Venezuela, and the nine monumental works were placed in the Park Avenue Gardens in the Park Avenue Gardens in New York City in 2012. His work can be found in permanent collections such as the Art Gallery of Ontario and the Carmmel Foundation. Gallery of Ontario and the Carmmen Lammana Foundation in Toronto, Canada. Toronto, Canada; Galería de Arte Nacional, Caracas, Venezuela; Museum of Contemporary Art, Sofia Imber, Caracas, Venezuela; and in private collections such as that of King Don Juan de Borbon, Spain, the of Bourbon, Spain, Princess Gloria Von Thurrell Untaxis, Germany and Prince William Duke of Cambridge in London.