Art Madrid'25 – Paul Rousso

Paul Rousso
Carolina del Norte (EE.UU.), 1958
Paul Rousso, an innovative American artist, began his studies in 1981 at Ohio's Cleveland Institute of Art and at the California College of the Arts. His work is based on creating volumes from a flat surface, what the artist calls ""Flat Depth"", converting a two-dimensional object into a three-dimensional object through complex artistic techniques that include painting, printing, sculpture, digital manipulation and digital printing.
Take pop culture and its inherent contradictory sensitivities by taking them to the large format. Rousso takes advantage of the ironic act of throwing away items such as money, candy wrappers, and magazine pages to create a wrinkled three-dimensional look of these objects, seeking satire to inflate its size to unusual dimensions. Rousso's work is found in numerous private collections in North America, Europe, and the Middle East, as well as in numerous public projects in different parts of the United States.