Art Madrid'25 – Giorgio Bevignani

Giorgio Bevignani
Città di Castello (Italia), 1955
Giorgio Bevignani currently lives and works in the countryside near Bologna, where he moulds and forms diverse materials into distinctive conglomerations, round-like forms, that aggregate into larger constructions, relating the smaller elements to the larger form which are arranged and mounted together to create a larger, cohesive work. His considerable creativity emerges in the elegant combination of technical skill and conceptual knowledge. His profound study of history, contemporary science, mythology, philosophy, and mathematics greatly influences his work. Using special patinas, phosphorus tints, and colours, his idiosyncrasy of composition and form, both so playful and magical, combined and merged with a certain charm, create something new to the world. Bevignani’s work has a real presence, his connection to nature and culture, his organic plasticity, his use of positive and negative spaces, filled with awareness of form, create a body of work that seems to float, that go beyond our understanding of gravity, time, space, light, and balance. The larger spiritual role played by the sculptures in all their complexity give it a presence finally so human in both its goals and intentions.