Intercesiones. Ciclo de Performance X Tara For Women

Intercessions X Tara For Women:

The Performance Cycle

With the intention of fostering a space of enunciation led by women, Art Madrid joins forces with the Tara for Women Foundation, which, in its mission to empower and strengthen talented women, becomes a collaborator of the renewed parallel program of Art Madrid'24 with the Performance Cycle: Intercessions X Tara For Women.

Viernes 8 de marzo a las 17:00h
Amamantar, de Teresa Búa

Teresa Búa


Teresa Búa (Muxía, A Coruña, 1991) studied Fine Arts in Pontevedra, London and Valencia. She specializes in contemporary art and fashion at UVigo. Her working life began very young as a photographer and currently combines visual arts with fashion design. Her artistic work is closely linked to Galicia, although since 2011 she is present nationally and internationally in exhibitions and competitions. She also performs in events such as Violencia Zero of the Diputación de Pontevedra, La JUAN está de Moda at La JUAN Gallery.... She has been resident at the Encontro de artistas novos de la Cidade da Cultura, or the Wom@rts project led by the Auditorio de Galicia and co-founded by Creative Europe Programme. From 2017 she includes bobbin lace (Artesanía de Galicia) in her creative projects, highlighting in O encaixe que camiña in the residencies InSitu of Fundación Didac and Persona Hola (Maternidad 2) Novos Valores 2022 award of the Museum of Pontevedra.

Her main premise is to know herself in order to better understand otherness. She lives through art and has designed the strategy of wearing her own creations to take art to the street. The clothes and accessories allow the artist to perform in a very natural way and talk about the topics she is interested in sharing: reflections related to her culture, education and the fact of being a person potentially capable of generating humans. The creative process is fundamental in her work. First she starts her projects with graphics, then she adds elements of fashion design and the work transforms into performance or sculpture. Photography and video are two techniques that accompany her works because of their ability to show a moment in the process. At the thematic level there are three main axes in her creations: self-knowledge as a tool for understanding otherness, the cultural heritage -material and immaterial- of Galicia and digital fashion.


Motherhood is not a parenthesis, motherhood puts everything else in parenthesis. The world is another, one is another too. Motherhood, like menstruation, has a different time than that of patriarchal capitalism. Life goes by very quickly and our professional objectives are now a priority. Motherhood is placed in a countdown in relation to our careers. When can I allow myself to stop? Can I really allow myself to stop?

I have stopped. I have begun the journey of the big pause, motherhood. The obsession with numbers: the minutes, the hours, the days, the nights, the months, the years... the milliliters. The nursing mother shows in this piece the juxtaposition between chaos and tenderness, pause and absolute productivity, external noise and the search for inner peace, how to do and what to do? This work invites us to witness the beauty of the maternal experience as a source of creativity in the intercession of life and production as interconnected forces in the human experience. I present in this performance a numerical poetry as a self-affirmation of the state of being. Nurturing is the highest expression of creating, giving life is the superlative production.

These are the artists who are participating in the Cycle of Performances of Art Madrid'24 :

Mónica Egido - Wednesday, March 6 at 19:00h

Sara Gema Domínguez - Thursday, March 7 at 19:00h

Teresa Búa - Friday, March 8 at 17:00h

Estel Boada - Saturday, March 9 at 19:00h