¡Art Madrid invites you to #LaQuedada!

To celebrate our twenty years of contemporary art, we have organized a parallel program of activities under the theme "City Territory," which focuses on public space, the city, and territory as central elements of artistic practices. This program will include events throughout February and during Madrid Art Week at the Galería de Cristal of the Cibeles Palace.

Together with PROYECTOR's Moving Image platform, we have organized the second edition of #LaQuedada on March 1st and 2nd, a circuit of artist studio tours.

Have you ever wondered what an artist’s workspace looks like? Or where an artist creates their work, for example, when preparing for an art fair? The event is open to both professionals and the general public. During the sessions, we will explore five spaces dedicated to artistic creation and architectural project development, all connected by the concept of utopia, a concept that unites utopian architectures, spaces for care, and decentralized actions that can be built between centers and peripheries.

Studio of Laura Lío. Courtesy of the artist.


When: Sunday, 2 March. 19:30h

Where: C. Tordo, 21, Carabanchel, 28019 Madrid


Laura Lío is dedicated to research and creation in the visual arts. She was born in 1967 in Buenos Aires, Argentina and has lived in Madrid since 1990. She studied at the Escuela Superior de Bellas Artes 'Ernesto de la Cárcova' in Buenos Aires and at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the UCM. She holds a Doctorate in Fine Arts from the University of Castilla-La Mancha (2012). Her book Esporas (ed. DOSPAREDESY1PUENTE, Madrid) will be published in 2022 and her essay Refugios del cuerpo y la imaginación. Biomímesis en arte y arquitectura desde las construcciones de los animales (published by Asimétricas, Madrid). He has made sculptures, installations, projects for specific spaces and has worked extensively on paper in drawing, graphics and artists' books. In 2015 he founded PEZPLATA Ediciones, an imprint for artists' books and printed matter, based in his NavEstudio in Madrid.

Her work has been published in numerous catalogues and books. In 1997 she was awarded a scholarship from the Spanish Academy in Rome and in 1998 a scholarship for creation in the plastic arts from the College of Spain in Paris. In 2005 she received a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation in New York to live at the Bellagio Study and Conference Centre. In 2006 he received the Endesa Grant for Visual Arts from the Diputación de Teruel and in 2013 a residency grant from the Bogliasco Foundation in Italy, as well as a grant from the Mexican government. In 2016 he carried out a creative residency in China, a project organised by the Calcografía Nacional and the Instituto Cervantes in Beijing. In 2018 she participated in the Art meets Science project in Harlösa, Sweden, with the ARNA organisation. In 2024 she participated in the Involving cultural Actors meeting in Brussels, representing the Spanish arts sector in the European Parliament.

To date he has participated in 22 solo exhibitions in Spain, Argentina, France, Italy and other countries, most recently at the Palacio Quintanar in Segovia, the CAB in Burgos and the Artur Ramón Gallery in Barcelona. His work has also been included in important group exhibitions such as El retorno de lo imaginario. Realismos entre el XIX y el XXI, held at the Museo Reina Sofía in 2010, and Printed Matter, held at the MoMA in 2018. Several of his sculptures can be found in public spaces such as O Grove (Pontevedra, Spain), the Odenwald (Darmstadt, Germany), the Franco Basaglia Centre (Livorno, Italy) and in Strömsfors, Sweden.

Her sculptures and drawings are in public and private collections such as the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Museo Municipal de Arte Contemporáneo de Madrid, Museo del Patio Herreriano, Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, Congreso de Diputados, Colección de Arte Contemporáneo Unión Fenosa, Biblioteca Nacional de España, Ministerio de Cultura, Colegio de España en París, Caja Madrid-Obra Cultural, Fundación Endesa, Museo de Teruel, Academia Española de Historia, Arqueología y Bellas Artes de Roma, Archivo Lafuente and the Circa XX Collection, among others.

During the visit, we will project his piece Hacer la calle. Lo digo con un cartel (7")

With the support of